Have you ever felt anxious, stressed and just generally like a cat whose fur has been brushed the wrong way for no real definable reason? We each have our own individual concerns - for our loved ones, our selves, our pets and friends - concerns about economic stability, health, mental and emotional wellbeing, or the state of our souls.
Add to that what I call "Collective Stress" which we are all exposed to it in a variety of ways, whether it's in traffic, witnessing a tense situation, or these days just by watching the news! You'll soon find that you've quickly and efficiently accumulated a whole lot of outside "stuff" that throws your inner self completely off balance.
Integrated energy balancing can help with that. Integrated energy work is unique to the individual. Each consult is tailored to your current wellness goals and intention. Your consult may include any of the following:
We will begin by discuss any medical history or pertinent information that may help provide you with a safe and effective session. We will review your goals for this and any ongoing sessions. We will discuss how best to address your needs so that you are comfortable during your session. Together we will review a set process for how the session will unfold and answer any questions you may have.
1.What are you doing with this energy? Will my body absorb too much energy?
I am merely channeling energy for you. Your body will only absorb as much energy as it can handle. Reiki in particular is gentle, non-invasive, non-manipulative and non-intrusive. Most people report a feeling of greater calm and peace after a session.
2.What will I wear during a session?
You will remain fully clothed during your sessions. I recommend wearing comfortable clothing. You may also remove your shoes if you prefer.
3.Will you be touching me?
Sessions are generally done either hands on the body, through one’s clothing or hands off, just above the body, whichever affords you the greatest comfort level. Generally speaking I will gently touch your head, shoulders, arms, hands, knees, ankles and feet in order to help facilitate the body’s relaxation response.
These sessions are just as effective when using a hands-off approach, where the practitioner’s hand will be a few inches off the client’s body. It is entirely up to the client which method they prefer and this will be discussed prior to your session.
4.What should I do during my session? Is it better for me to sit or lie down?
The most important thing you can do in your session is to be in a comfortable position, whether sitting or lying down. Some people find it helpful to close their eyes and take relaxing breaths during their session, as they would during a massage. This is your time for relaxation and to allow the energy work to provide whatever it is you need most.
5. What may I experience during an Integrated Energy Balancing session?
You may experience a sense of warmth, coolness, pulsation or tingling in particular areas as the session unfolds. This is usually felt just below the area of the practitioner’s hands. You may feel a deep sense of relaxation, well-being or release. Other times you may feel nothing at all. It is not uncommon to feel something different at each session. Energy balancing gives you what you most need in that moment. As your needs change, so will your response to a particular session.